European Monetary System (EMS)
- European Monetary System (EMS)
Европейская валютная система (ЕВС). Валютный механизм, созданный в рамках ЕЭС с целью уменьшения колебаний обменных валютных курсов стран-участниц и образования в Европе зоны валютной стабильности.
Предусматривает введение единой общеевропейской валютной единицы как средства достижения полной экономической и политической интеграции государств, входящих в состав ЕЭС. В рамках ЕВС была создана ЭКЮ (European Currency Unit ) - европейская валютная единица, являющаяся единым критерием стоимости валют при проведении операций с ними и приравненная к расчетной единице Европейского платежного союза (European Unit of Account ), синтезированной по методу "корзины" валют стран-участниц ЕЭС. Согласно принятому положению, состав "корзины" должен пересматриваться каждые пять лет либо чаще, если колебания обменных курсов изменяют стоимость доли валюты, входящей в состав "корзины", на 25% и более. Для каждой из указанных валют рассчитывается выраженный в ЭКЮ центральный курс, на основе которого между валютами устанавливаются двусторонние меновые соотношения (bilateral ratios). Предел взаимных колебаний курсов установлен в размере ±2,25% паритета.
Англо-русский толковый словарь внешнеэкономических терминов. - М.: Финансы и статистика.
Смотреть что такое "European Monetary System (EMS)" в других словарях:
European Monetary System - EMS — A 1979 arrangement between several European countries which links their currencies in an attempt to stabilize the exchange rate. This system was succeeded by the European Monetary Union (EMU), an institution of the European Union (EU), which… … Investment dictionary
European Monetary System — (EMS) a European monetary unit, an exchange rate intervention mechanism and a transfer mechanism established in 1978 under the law of the European Communities. It is this system that established the European Currency Unit (ECU), a currency used… … Law dictionary
European Monetary System — There are three stages of monetary cooperation in the European Union. Stage I European Monetary System (EMS) was an arrangement established in 1979 under the Jenkins European Commission where most nations of the European Economic Community (EEC)… … Wikipedia
European Monetary System — ( EMS) A system adopted by European Community members with the aim of promoting stability by limiting exchange rate fluctuations. The system was originated in 1979 by the nine members of the European Community ( EC). The EMS comprised three… … Financial and business terms
European Monetary System — [jʊərə piːən mʌnɪtərɪ sɪstəm, englisch], Abkürzung EMS, das Europäische Währungssystem … Universal-Lexikon
European Monetary System — EMS A system of exchange rate stabilization involving the countries of the European Union, which began operations in 1979. There were two elements: the Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM), under which participating countries committed themselves to… … Big dictionary of business and management
European Monetary System — EMS A system of exchange rate stabilization involving the countries of the European Union, which began operations in 1979. There were two elements: the Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM), under which participating countries committed themselves to… … Accounting dictionary
European Monetary System — /ˌjυərəpi:ən m nɪt(ə)ri sɪstəm/ noun system of controlled exchange rates between some of the member countries of the European Union. Abbreviation EMS COMMENT: The EMS now only applies to countries such as Greece which are members of the EU but… … Dictionary of banking and finance
(the) European Monetary System — the European Monetary System [the European Monetary System] (abbr the EMS) a system, started in 1979, to help the member countries of the ↑European Union to keep a steady economic balance in Europe before the introduction of the ↑ … Useful english dictionary
the European Monetary System — UK US noun [S] ECONOMICS, FINANCE, GOVERNMENT ► EMS(Cf. ↑EMS) … Financial and business terms
European Monetary System — (EMS) Established in 1979 to secure a zone of monetary stability in Western Europe, with the Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM) and the European Currency Unit (ECU) as its core elements. In the 1980s it increasingly became seen as inadquate, and… … Glossary of the European Union and European Communities